Sun rays hand drawn, linear drawing

Maggie Z

for Collingswood BOE

Empower Our Future:

Listen, Learn, Budget, Transform

Ma​ggie Zmijewski (she/her)

Collingswood BOE Candidate

connect with Me

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  • Life Long Collingswood Resident
  • Collingswood HS Alumni
  • Mom of 3 Collingswood Students
  • Dedicated Community Volunteer

Why I want to to be elected:

  • I want our community to feel like they have a voice.
  • I want our teachers to know decisions are

made while thinking of the impact on them.

  • I want to encourage fiscal responsibility.
  • I want us to learn from our past to bring quality ​curriculum and vigor back to our high school.
  • I want to see teacher retention be a top priority
  • I want our students to feel safe and belonging.

Sun rays hand drawn, linear drawing

Maggie Z

Sun rays hand drawn, linear drawing

*I am a life long resident of Collingswood NJ, a ​Colls HS and Tatem School Alum. After moving ​away for college I knew I wanted to come home -​- Collingswood was where I wanted to raise my ​family.

*I have 3 children in the Collingswood School ​District- an incoming 6th, 4th and 2nd grader.

*I am an active and devoted member of our ​school community who wants this district to ​strive for excellence and knows we can do better.

Sun rays hand drawn, linear drawing

My Volunteer Experience for our school/town ​include-

  • 5 years on the Tatem PTA Board including ​President and VP
  • Active Member of our Special Education ​Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)
  • Member of the Parent Advisory Board during ​the 2022-2023 School year
  • Past Coach of Colls Rec Soccer and T-Ball
Sun rays hand drawn, linear drawing
  • My educational experience consists of a ​MS in Healthcare Administration and BA ​in History/Anthropology from ​Monmouth University

  • My 16 year career has spanned multiple ​facets of medical research. Starting out as ​a regulatory specialist for oncology ​clinical trials. Continuing to become a ​clinical trial study start up leader.

What I Stand For

Listening to our community

Learning from the past

Budgeting for what we need- not what we want -when in a current deficit

Transforming our schools and bringing PRIDE back to our school ​community

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October 6th 2-4pm

Backyard Meet and Greet

(please reach out for address)

October 15th 6pm

CEA Candidate Forum

October 16th 6pm-9pm

Grab a beer and chat-

Raccoon Taproom

October 26th 11:30-1:30

Backyard Meet and Greet

(please reach out for address)

November 2nd 8am-12pm

Collingswood Farmer’s Market

November 5th


September 7th 9am-12pm

Collingswood Farmer’s Market

September 20th 6pm-8pm

Backyard Meet and Greet

(please reach out for address)

Sun rays hand drawn, linear drawing

No contribution is to small.

Any donation made will be used for

lawn signs, ads, and other ways to get my message out to the community.

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Empower Our Future

I am an active member of SEPAG-

helping bring inclusion

awareness to Tatem

I organized and worked with

Tatem artists to bring color

and inspiration to our halls

I executed the construction of a

custom book nook AKA Tatem’s only

“library” all the books have been

donated or purchased with PTA Funds

I designed and executed the constuction of an outdoor ​classroom space for Tatem